Car Dealership lighting

Customers expect internal features and aesthetical features from a car. Being a Car Dealer, you cannot affect the internal features of the car but, the Car Dealership’s lighting can affect the aesthetical features of the car and will help you to provide a premium experience to your customers.

Does lighting affect your sales and customer experience?

A poorly lit car showroom will have a direct impact on sales. All that effort to make the car look aesthetically nice and high-end, will not show up in a dimly lit car showroom. Poorly lit car showrooms and parking lots wont be appealing to a customer. Therefore, the sales representative will have a hard time convincing the buyer to make a sale.

A car dealership lit with highbay lighting
Car Dealership lighting using Highbays

Lighting’s impact on a Car Dealership

A Car Dealership needs lighting throughout their business hours, which means high energy consumption cost. By installing LED lights, you can cut down the annual energy costs. You can save up to 75% less energy compared to traditional lighting.

The old traditional lights require frequent maintenance. Whereas LED lighting maintenance cost is next to $0.

The old traditional lights need to be replaced often. The LED lights last up to 50% longer than traditional lights.

By having better lighting, you can provide a premium experience to your customers also provide a better work environment for your employees.

Most car showrooms have glass walls during the day enough daylight is provided. Although, there is natural daylight coming in extra lighting is required to elevate the colors and the features of the cars. Traditional lights are inefficient, consume more energy, and do not provide great lighting comparatively. LED lights can be fitted with sensors to auto-adjust their brightness according to the amount of daylight coming in and also LED lights are more efficient, consumes less energy, and provides high-quality light.

What goes where?

Before starting LED Retrofitting, you must be aware of what type of light will work better with which part of the Car Dealership

What Light to use in the Car Showroom?

This is the place where the Cars are on display and your sales team tries their most in convincing a buyer. Fotonz’s LED Highbay can help brighten the car showroom. It elevates the car colors and the aesthetic features of the car to provide a premium high-end experience to your customers. Your sales team will feel more comfortable in presenting a car and thus making more sales.

What Light to use at the Parking lot?

This a key aspect which not everyone pays attention to. The rest of the cars, the ones that are delivered to the customers and the ones used for test-driving are stored in the parking lot. Fotonz’s Area lights, shoeboxes, and wall packs will help provide bright lighting thus ensuring a clear view of the lot and the cars. Clear vision ensures sense of safety for not only your customers but also to your employees. Even at night, the lights will help customers perceive the appearance of the car in bright sunlight.

Car Dealership Lighting. A car parking lot using shoebox pole lighting
Parking Lot with Pole Lights, Area Lights and Shoe Box Lights

What Light to use in the Service Bay/Garage?

This is where the mechanics work on the cars. Fotonz’s LED T8 tubes will provide optimal lighting to the garage making it easier for your mechanics to work comfortably. A clear lighting is a must for service bay’s. The mechanics can work with their maximum efficiency because of the clear lighting.

By Retrofitting LED lights to your Car Dealership, you get; an increase in sales, save energy costs, and a can provide a premium experience for your clients.

To learn about LED Retrofitting and Rebate Click Here

If you need assistance, please Contact us at or call 905 604 3681

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Snyder, J. (2016, March 07). Store led the way with LED lighting. Retrieved October 06, 2020, from